The $50 extension fee is only valid to extend the expiry date of one class bundle purchased under your name for an additional 1 month from current expiry date.
You can only top up the extension fee before your current class bundle expiry date. If you choose to top up $50 extension fee after the class bundle expiry date, you are doing so expressly without the consent of Pilates Fitness and your $50 extension fee will be forfeited without your bundle expiry being extended.
You can only top up extension fee once per bundle. If you choose to top up $50 extension fee on the bundle despite paying $50 extension fee on the same bundle previously, you are doing so expressly without the consent of Pilates Fitness and all your $50 extension fee will be forfeited without your bundle expiry being extended.
Extension fee paid is non-refundable, non-exchangeable & non-transferable.