27 Feb Day 1: 10 Minutes Pilates Beginners For Back Pain | 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition

Singapore Pilates Edition
It’s Day 6 of the Circuit Breaker. I’ve really been a good girl and only step out to do the essentials like collecting my reusable mask, buying food and groceries. I’ve also timed myself such that I will be back within 2 hours inclusive of driving. How about you?
3 weeks ago, I had a concept of 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout. I was concerned that if our Singapore Pilates studios are mandated to close, then many of our older clients will be inactive for a month or longer. All the efforts that they have put in these years attending Pilates classes will take a setback. That is definitely not a good thing, physically and mentally.
Thank god for good timing as we were mandated to shut by 7 April 2020. I did 14 Days of Pilates for beginners videos, naming it “14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout” with my Mum, sharing it on our Instagram and Tiktok. Doing these Pilates for beginners exercises with Mum gave me confidence that these Pilates beginners exercises are suitable for the young and the old since Mum curated all the moves. Mum turned 63 on 1 April 2020 and I’m glad that she is able to follow through all of the Pilates exercises! Also, I managed to rush through the filming and completed the 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition, with me doing it together with you step by step on our revamped Youtube channel.
The Covid-19 circuit breaker is urging everyone to #StayAtHome. Just a few days ago, Singapore Government also closed all national stadiums in the neighbourhood and beaches to discourage people from exercising in groups outdoors. But we need to move and exercise – for our body and to keep our spirits up.
This 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition is planned such that we focus on one part of the body a day. Through the 14 days journey, we hope to work with you to build your best body. I’ve isolated 14 most common concerns of clients, starting with the spine! Do click subscribe to our Youtube Channel so that you are notified whenever we load up a new Pilates video.
Yes, Day 1 of 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition is about building a strong and flexible spine. We will work on the 5 natural spinal movements to keep your vertebrae mobile and core strong. These 5 movements are spine articulation, side bends, rotation, flexion and extension.
Side Bend
What Does A Stiff Back Feel Like?
When you have a stiff back or an inflexible spine, you may feel that it is very hard to move your back or you have very little range of movement. You may or may not feel any pain when you try to move your back. Your back may feel tight or rigid. You may experience deep stretch discomfort, cramps or spasms when you try to do a bigger range of movement. Some of you may even lose your balance when you attempt bigger range of movement. If this continues without treatment, it will escalate into chronic back pain.
Why Do I Have Back Pain And Stiff Spine?
Your spine feels stiff because some of your vertebrate are not able to mobilise. This could be due to injury, lack of practice (long hours of inactivity), certain medical conditions such as psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis, or it could simply be overworking of the back muscles due to compensation. Certain back muscles may tighten up and immobilize the back muscles to prevent further injury or strain. A stiff spine is usually accompanied by back pain. If this goes untreated, your back pain may be present all the time. You need to introduce gentle Pilates exercises into your daily workout routine to mobilise your spine. You can practice this online Pilates class when you wake up or before bedtime.
How Can I Cure My Back Pain?
We have created a simple 10 minutes pilates beginner video for back pain. Our spine mobility is vital to keep our posture in check and back pain at bay. Day 1 of 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition is a 10 minutes pilates beginner video to attain spine flexibility and release tight back muscles. Regular practice will improve the flexibility of your spine and strengthen your core.
This 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition is suitable for everyone, including the young, the elderly and those undergoing rehabilitation.
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel so that you can find the rest of the 14 Days Quarantine Workout easily. Repeat the online Pilates class at least twice a day – once in the morning and another round before bedtime. This is a self-regulated online Pilates class – meaning you can do faster or slower than me but try to keep to sustain the 1 minute per Pilates exercise.
Pilates With Me In Real Time – Be Stronger & More Flexible in 14 Days!
Workout with me together in real-time, no repeated exercises and no equipment required. This real-time workout allows me to cue corrections and modifications as we go along to ensure you are always engaging the right muscles for an effective workout.
❥Day 1 – Full Body Stretch
❥Day 2 – Shoulder Stretches
❥Day 3 – No Back Pain
❥Day 4 – Loosen Those Hips
❥Day 5 – Lean Legs
❥Day 6 – Tight Abs
❥Day 7 – Standing Core
❥Day 8 – Strong Back
❥Day 9 – Even Out Scoliosis
❥Day 10 – Cardio Pilates
❥Day 11 – Coordination
❥Day 12 – Strong Arms
❥Day 13 – Butt Lift & Tone
❥Day 14 – Balance & Core
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