25 Apr 10 Minutes Pilates Beginners Hip Flexor Stretch | 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition
How are you adjusting to the Circuit Breaker? Have you tried the exercises in my Singapore Pilates Edition – 10 Minutes Pilates Beginners For Back Pain? It’s week 2 and I hope you have established a routine to get your life in order. It’s super tempting to live out of my sofa, date Netflix and let time come to a standstill as our love blossoms. But it is not wise to do that, else it will be super hard to adjust back when our normal life resumes. Well, actually I did that for 1.5 days last week and it gave me a massive headache after. So I decided to end our relationship and stay loyal to Pilates Reformer + Pilates Mat instead.
More discipline is needed when you have more freedom. The easiest way for me to get out of the netflix-sofa-bed cycle is to set goals and schedule them into my calendar so that I am not letting my emotions rule my life.
Here’s my plan for the rest of the week. Right-click here to download our weekly goals template and write down your own goals to share with us on Instagram!
Let me come back to the 14 Day Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition.
Day 2 is about loosening your hips – hip flexor stretch and increasing hip mobility. Your hip flexor muscles tighten up when you sit for too long. Whenever your thigh is at an angle to your torso, your hip flexors are contracted. When it cannot fully lengthen and stays contracted, other parts of your body will be compensated. Over time, it may start as limited range of movements on your hips which can escalate into back pain, knee pain or even shoulders or feet issues.
Day 2 of 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition is a 10-minute pilates beginner video to stretch your hip flexors, mobilise your hips and strengthen your core. Regular practice will prevent compensation of other muscle groups and reduce body aches.
The 14 Days Pilates Quarantine Workout – Singapore Pilates Edition is suitable for everyone, including the young, the elderly and those undergoing rehabilitation.
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel so that you can find the rest of the 14 Days Quarantine Workout easily. Repeat the Pilates class video at least twice a day – ideally once after you finish your first set of work/school tasks and another round after work/school. This is a self-regulated Pilates class video – meaning you can do faster or slower than me but try to keep to sustain the 1 minute per Pilates exercise. I would also recommend you to incorporate both Day 1 and Day 2 into your daily routine to keep you moving throughout the day.

Pilates With Me In Real Time – Be Stronger & More Flexible in 14 Days!
Workout with me together in real-time, no repeated exercises and no equipment required. This real-time workout allows me to cue corrections and modifications as we go along to ensure you are always engaging the right muscles for an effective workout.
❥Day 1 – Full Body Stretch
❥Day 2 – Shoulder Stretches
❥Day 3 – No Back Pain
❥Day 4 – Loosen Those Hips
❥Day 5 – Lean Legs
❥Day 6 – Tight Abs
❥Day 7 – Standing Core
❥Day 8 – Strong Back
❥Day 9 – Even Out Scoliosis
❥Day 10 – Cardio Pilates
❥Day 11 – Coordination
❥Day 12 – Strong Arms
❥Day 13 – Butt Lift & Tone
❥Day 14 – Balance & Core
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